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tallinn12 [2012/01/13 13:34]
tallinn12 [2014/05/07 22:48] (current)
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-====== COST Action Meeting in Tallinn2012 ======+====== ​Richmodel Toolkit ​COST Action Meeting in Tallinn ​(SVARM ​2012======
 Meeting of the [[http://​richmodels.epfl.ch|Rich Model Toolkit]] COST Action IC0901, is organized in Tallinn, Estonia, ​ Meeting of the [[http://​richmodels.epfl.ch|Rich Model Toolkit]] COST Action IC0901, is organized in Tallinn, Estonia, ​
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 additional invited talks, contributed talks from IC0901 Action participants,​ and informal technical discussion session and our usual MC meeting on 1st of April 2012. additional invited talks, contributed talks from IC0901 Action participants,​ and informal technical discussion session and our usual MC meeting on 1st of April 2012.
-The program includes invited talks (speakers to be announced).+===== Venue =====
-[[http://​users.ics.tkk.fi/​~kepa|Keijo Heljanko]] and Hugo Herbelin are the program organizers on behalf of the IC0901 Action ​participant ​talk abstracts.+Campus of the Tallinn University of Technology, the building of the Tallinn School of Economics and Business Administration,​ Akadeemia tee 3.  
 +===== Organizers ===== 
 +[[http://​users.ics.tkk.fi/​~kepa|Keijo Heljanko]] and [[http://​yquem.inria.fr/​~herbelin/​index-eng.html|Hugo Herbelin]] are the program ​organizers. [[http://​cs.ioc.ee/​~tarmo/​|Tarmo Uustalu]] and [[http://​ati.ttu.ee/​~jaan/​|Jaan Raik]] as local organizers on behalf of the IC0901 Action
 +====== Program ====== 
 +{{:​tallinn.pdf|Archived PDF Page}}; original link: [[http://​pauillac.inria.fr/​~herbelin/​aipa2012/​program.html|Link to the AIPA+SVARM joint program page 
 +====== Registration ===== 
 +The **invited IC0901 participants** will be required to register and pay 40 Euros for two lunches 
 +and coffees by **9th of March 2012** through a Web based payment system provided by the local organizers:​ 
 +[[https://​purchase.ioc.ee/​svarm12/​|SVARM12 Electronic Payment of Lunch Fees]] 
 +These fees can be later claimed from COST as lunch fees. 
 +For the invited IC0901 participants there will be no other registration fees, and **NO need to register 
 +to AIPA2012 through the ETAPS2012 system** for the two Workshop days. 
 +The participants who are **NOT invited IC0901 participants should register to AIPA2012 
 +Workshop through the ETAPS2012 registration**,​ and pay the ETAPS fees for the two Workshop days. 
 +===== (EXPIRED) Call for Technical Contributions ===== 
 +We are planning to have a program including:​ 
 +  * contributed talks from Action participants 
 +  * invited talks from: Chad E. Brown, Jean-Christophe Filliâtre, Jasmin Blanchette, and Serdar Tasiran 
 +  * informal technical discussion sessions 
 +  * our usual MC meeting 
 +An informal technical discussion session is meant to be an opportunity 
 +to bring up and discuss a topic that is important for our research 
 +area, and perceived to be key for the success of our Action. The 
 +intention is to encourage us to have some form of technical 
 +interaction beyond talks. ​ As examples of such discussions,​ one may 
 +think of technical discussion sessions at project meetings, or 
 +technical discussion session at workshops such as SMT, where there is 
 +usually such a session on SMT-LIB/​SMT-COMP. 
 +In order to assemble a program, we need to hear from you! 
 +(A) If you wish to give a talk, please send title and abstract. 
 +Optionally: Mention if you would prefer to be on the first day which 
 +is mainly focused on topics related to Automation in Proof Assistants. 
 +(B) If you wish to propose a topic for a technical discussion session, 
 +please send title and paragraph of motivation, and be prepared to chair, 
 +or co-chair, the session you propose. We may help you to find a 
 +co-chair, or one of us may co-chair with you, if need be. 
 +Please send both kinds of contributions ((A) and (B)) to both addresses 
 +<​keijo.heljanko@aalto.fi>​ and <​hugo.herbelin@inria.fr>​ at your 
 +earliest convenience,​ but no later than 
 +                      March 1, 2012 
 +(This deadline is for finalizing the technical program; COST invitations 
 +are generated automatically for MC members and you'll receive one sooner.)