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lugano [2010/03/11 13:40]
lugano [2010/10/15 16:33] (current)
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-====== ​COST Action Work Group Meeting and Alpine Verification Meeting ​2010 ======+====== Alpine Verification Meeting ​and Rich Model Toolkit Meeting in Lugano ​======
 Time: 18-19 October (Monday-Tuesday) 2010 Time: 18-19 October (Monday-Tuesday) 2010
-Place: ​[[http://fmcad10.iaik.tugraz.at/venue.html|University in Lugano]]+**[[http://lara.epfl.ch/dokuwiki/​lugano:​program|CLICK HERE FOR THE PROGRAM OF THE EVENT]]**
-This is a joint event of +Place: ​[[http://fmcad10.iaik.tugraz.at/​venue.html|University in Lugano]], collocated with [[http://​fmcad10.iaik.tugraz.at/|FMCAD 2010]] ([[http://​fmcad10.iaik.tugraz.at/​FMCAD10_program.pdf|program]]) 
-  * Alpine Verification Meeting (see [[http://events.iaik.tugraz.at/​avm2008/|AVM 2008]])+ 
 +The event is
   * Meeting of the [[http://​richmodels.org|COST Action IC0901]]   * Meeting of the [[http://​richmodels.org|COST Action IC0901]]
 +    * //COST Action IC0901 explores directions and techniques for making automated reasoning (including analysis and synthesis) applicable to a wider range of problems, as well as making them easier to use by researchers,​ software developers, hardware designers, and information system users and developers.//​
 +  * Alpine Verification Meeting (see [[http://​events.iaik.tugraz.at/​avm2008/​|AVM 2008]], [[http://​www-verimag.imag.fr/​~lakhnech/​AVM/​|AVM 2007]], [[http://​www.inf.ethz.ch/​personal/​daniekro/​avm2006/​|AVM 2006]], [[http://​mtc.epfl.ch/​events/​Alpine_Verification_Meeting_2005/​home.html|AVM 2005]])
 +    * //The Alpine Verification Meeting is a meeting on current problems in formal verification. The goal of the meeting is to bring together researchers from the region to update each other on their research, to have time for discussion, also on possible collaborations.//​
-The meeting is collocated with [[http://fmcad10.iaik.tugraz.at/​|FMCAD 2010]]+**Participants** will include ​[[http://richmodels.org|COST Action IC0901]] members, Alpine Verification Group attendees, and invited speakers.
-Talk Abstract Submission Deadline ​is Expected: August 2010+**Social program** will include hiking and dinner. Lugano ​is a beautiful tourist resort in Switzerland.
-Local Orgization+Local Organization
-  * Viktor Kuncak +  * [[http://​lara.epfl.ch/​~kuncak/​|Viktor Kuncak]] 
-  * Natasha Sharygina+  * [[http://​www.inf.usi.ch/​faculty/​sharygina/​|Natasha Sharygina]]
-//More information will follow soon//+//More information will follow soon. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Viktor Kuncak.//