SOURCE: Part B of Vademecum, see guidelines. Note that Action IC0901 is under the Grant System.


OBJECTIVE: Establish or enforce collaboration, especially when
the expected outcome is a joint publication between Action members.

DURATION: minimum one week (5 working days), maximum 3 months.
Exception for Early Stage Researchers (less than PhD + 8 years): 
up to 6 months, with prior MC approval

FINANCIAL SUPPORT: The grant only covers travel and subsistence.

The financial contribution for a STSM will be a fixed grant based on
the applicant's budget request and the evaluation of the application
by the STSM committee. Recommended (but not obligatory) amounts:

EUR 60-90 for daily allowance 
EUR 300   for travel

The total should not exceed EUR 2500 up to 3 months (or EUR 3500 for Early Stage Researchers – above 3 months).
Any exception needs prior approval from the COST Office.


(1) WHO: Applicant (IC0901-specific)

     WHAT: Sending pre-approval request email to our 3 STSM committee members and richmodels-hq:
     o Andrey Rybalchenko <>
     o Stefan Ratschan <>
     o Enric Rodriguez Carbonell <>
     o in CC put <>
     o the Action groups involved
     o the exact dates
     o a short description of the proposed workplan (about 250 words).
       Make sure to include as specific as possible a description of the expected outcomes of STSM.
     o a budget request with breakdown for the costs of the STSM (travel + hotel/meals)
     The applicant may attach to this email any document which is regarded as helpful in
     supporting the application at the evaluation process (such as CV,
     list of publications, motivation letter, letter of support from
     the home institute etc.)

     If case of positive pre-approval, this e-mail is to be reused below. 

(2) WHO : STSM coordinator (IC0901-specific)

    WHAT: After discussion of the STSM committee, reporting the assessment of the STSM proposal to the applicant

(3) WHO : Applicant

    WHAT: Using the on-line registration tool
    (previously, to fill a form with the following data:

    o applicant's title, name, work place, postal address, telephone
      and fax numbers, and email address;
    o name, postal address, telephone, fax and email of the
      prospective host at the receiving institute;
      (the applicant is responsible for obtaining the agreement of the host
      institution before the submission)
    o the planned dates and length of stay;
    o the title of the planned STSM;
    o a short description of the proposed workplan (about 250 words);
    o a short curriculum vitae;
    o a budget request with breakdown for the costs of the STSM;
    o bank details.

    The on-line registration tool will issue a formal STSM application
    which has to be downloaded and sent by the applicant
    electronically (by e-mail as attachment) to:

    o the future Host institution of the STSM; and
    o the MC Chair or STSM coordinator. 
      // please send it by email to
      // and CC:

(4) WHO : STSM coordinator

    WHAT: Arranging the final assessment of the STSM proposal according to
    our rules in

(5) WHO : STSM committee

    WHAT: Reporting on the decisions and assessments regarding all
    STSM applications to the next MC meeting. These should be recorded
    in the minutes of the meeting.

(6) WHO : STSM committee

    WHAT: Announcing approved STSMs on the MC mailing list and
    documenting them on the wiki page accessible to MC members.

(7) WHO : STSM coordinator

    WHAT: Informing the Grant Holder about the decision. 
    If the assessment is positive, this information can be
    in the form of an e-mail stating:
    "Subject: STSM <Reference number>, COST <Action number>, <grantee's name>

    On behalf of the Management Committee of the above COST Action I
    would like to inform you after evaluation that:

    o the attached request for an STSM has been approved and; 
    o a grant of EUR x has been recommended and;
    o the host institute accepted the proposal."

(8) WHO : Grant Holder

    WHAT: In case of a positive assessment and availability of
    funding, sending to the applicant 
    a Grant letter in which he/she is informed about:

      o the approval of the STSM and;
      o the level of the financial grant given.

(9) WHO:  Applicant

    WHAT: Returning the Grant letter to the Grant Holder, after
    accepting the grant with his/her signature.


(10) WHO : Applicant

     WHAT: Submitting to the host institution and MC Chair (or the STSM
     coordinator) a short scientific report on the visit within 4 weeks after
     his/her stay. It should contain the following information:

     o Purpose of the STSM;
     o Description of the work carried out during the STSM;
     o Description of the main results obtained;
     o Future collaboration with host institution (if applicable);
     o Foreseen publications/articles resulting or to result from the STSM (if applicable);
     o Confirmation by the host institution of the successful execution of
       the STSM;
     o Other comments (if any).

(11) WHO : STSM coordinator
     WHAT: The MC Chair or the STSM coordinator is responsible for:
     o Approving the scientific report
     o Informing the Grant Holder that the STSM has been successfully accomplished and that the
     grant can be paid.
     The e-mail should include the scientific report and state:

     "Subject: STSM <Reference number<, COST <Action number>, <grantee's name>

     On behalf of the Management Committee of the above COST Action I would like to inform
     you that:
     o The above STSM has been completed from <Start date> to <End date>
     o The scientific report has been approved by the MC and Host.
     o The amount of EUR X can be paid"

(12) WHO : Grant Holder

     WHAT: Executing the payment of the grant directly to the grantee
     or the host institution as requested in the application after 
     reception of the approval mail and the scientific report

DEADLINES: The application together with the MC approval should be
sent by the MC Chair or STSM coordinator to the Grant Holder at least
4 weeks before the STSM starts