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====== Rich Model Toolkit COST Action Meeting in Haifa, IL ====== This meeting is collocated with the Haifa Verification Conference and will take place in Haifa, IL, on Sunday, November 4th. For more information, please contact [[|Eran Yahav]] and [[|Armin Biere]]. ===== Local Information ===== The meeting will take place at the Haifa Research Lab ===== Registration ===== To register please send email with your name and affiliation to [[|]] ===== Invited Talks (under construction) ===== Quantitative Abstraction Refinement / Pavol Cerny PINCETTE project: validation of changes and upgrades in large software systems - unique challenges and suggested solutions / Hana Chockler ===== Talks (under construction) ===== Finite-State and Pushdown Games with Multi-dimensional Mean-Payoff Objectives / Yaron Velner Privacy for Linked Data / Silvia Ghilezan ===== Full Abstracts ===== **Quantitative Abstraction Refinement** //Pavol Cerny// We propose a general framework for abstraction with respect to quantitative properties, such as worst-case execution time, or power consumption. Our framework also provides a systematic way for counter-example guided abstraction refinement for quantitative properties. The salient aspect of the framework is that it allows anytime verification, that is, verification algorithms that can be stopped at any time (for example, due to exhaustion of memory), and report approximations that improve monotonically when the algorithms are given more time. We instantiate the framework with a number of quantitative abstractions and refinement schemes, which differ in terms of how much quantitative information they keep from the original system. We introduce both state-based and trace-based quantitative abstractions, and we describe conditions that define classes of quantitative properties for which the abstractions provide over-approximations. We give algorithms for evaluating the quantitative properties on the abstract systems. We present algorithms for counter-example based refinements for quantitative properties for both state-based and segment-based abstractions. We perform a case study on worst-case execution time of executables to evaluate the anytime verification aspect and the quantitative abstractions we proposed. This is joint work with Thomas Henzinger and Arjun Radhakrishna. ---- **PINCETTE project: validation of changes and upgrades in large software systems - unique challenges and suggested solutions** //Hana Chockler// Changes are done frequently during the lifetime of most systems and can introduce software errors that were not present in the old version or expose errors that were present before but did not get exercised. In addition, upgrades are done gradually, so the old and new versions have to co-exist in the same system. In very large systems, for which a complete re-verification and re-validation after each change is not feasible, we need to be able to verify only the change, and we need to do it efficiently and reliably. The PINCETTE project, funded by the FP7 program of the European Union, proposes to address these challenges by a combination of static and dynamic analysis. In this talk I will outline several ideas both from static and from dynamic analysis and from their combination that were proposed and implemented in PINCETTE in order to achieve the goal of efficient and reliable verification and validation of evolving systems. ---- **Finite-State and Pushdown Games with Multi-dimensional Mean-Payoff Objectives** //Yaron Velner// Two-player games on graphs are central in many problems in formal verification and program analysis such as synthesis and verification of open systems. In this talk, we consider both finite-state game graphs and recursive game graphs (or pushdown game graphs) that can model the control flow of sequential programs with recursion. The objectives we consider are multi-dimensional mean-payoff objectives, where the goal of player-1 is to ensure the mean-payoff is at least zero in all dimensions. In pushdown games two types of strategies are relevant: (1) global strategies, that depend on the entire global history; and (2) modular strategies, that have only local memory and thus do not depend on the context of invocation, but only on the history of the current invocation of the module. We present solutions to several fundamental algorithmic questions and our main contributions are as follows: (1) We show that finite-state multi-dimensional mean-payoff games can be solved in polynomial time if the number of dimensions and the maximal absolute value of weights (or rewards) are fixed; whereas if the number of dimensions is arbitrary, then the problem is already known to be coNP-complete. (2) We show that pushdown graphs (or one-player pushdown games) with multi-dimensional mean-payoff objectives can be solved in polynomial time. (3) For pushdown games under global strategies both single and multi-dimensional mean-payoff objectives problems are known to be undecidable, and we show that under modular strategies the multi-dimensional problem is also undecidable (whereas under modular strategies the single dimensional problem is known to be NP-complete). We show that if the number of modules, the number of exits, and the maximal absolute value of the weight are fixed, then pushdown games under modular strategies with single dimensional mean-payoff objectives can be solved in polynomial time, and if either the number of exits or the number of modules is unbounded, then the problem is NP-hard. (4) Finally we show that a fixed parameter tractable algorithm for finite-state multi-dimensional mean-payoff games or pushdown games under modular strategies with single-dimensional mean-payoff objectives would imply the solution of the long-standing open problem of fixed parameter tractability of parity games. (This is a joint work with Krishnendu Chatterjee) ---- **Privacy for Linked Data** //Silvia Ghilezan// Web of Linked Data aims at introduction of common format and principles for publishing data on the Web, such that they can be easily interconnected and exploited. The current recommendation is to use URIs as names and RDF directed graph data, which can be consumed by use of a query language such as SPARQL. The lack of privacy mechanisms often discourage people from publishing data in the Web of Linked Data. We propose a formal model which ensures privacy protection of a single RDF triple. In our calculus, processes are those of Horne and Sassone 2011, associated with parallel composition of RDF triples. These triples describe the web-profile of the user that aims at performing an action. An administrator of a data graph in the observed system defines a privacy protection policy for each triple of the data in RDF format. A process running on behalf of a user is allowed to access a triple if the privacy protection policy gives the positive answer applied to the user’s profile. (Joint work with Svetlana Jaksic, Jovanka Pantovic) ----