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haifa12 [2012/11/18 08:07] (current)
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 For more information,​ please contact [[http://​www.cs.technion.ac.il/​~yahave/​|Eran Yahav]] and [[http://​fmv.jku.at/​biere/​|Armin Biere]]. For more information,​ please contact [[http://​www.cs.technion.ac.il/​~yahave/​|Eran Yahav]] and [[http://​fmv.jku.at/​biere/​|Armin Biere]].
 +On Monday, November 5th, [[http://​workshop.ee.technion.ac.il/​|INTEL’S ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM ON VLSI CAD AND VALIDATION]] takes place at Technion.
 +On November 6-8, [[http://​www.research.ibm.com/​haifa/​conferences/​hvc2012/​|HVC]] takes place at IBM [[http://​www.research.ibm.com/​haifa/​haifa_facility.shtml|Haifa Research Lab]] 
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 The meeting will take place at the [[http://​www.research.ibm.com/​haifa/​haifa_facility.shtml|Haifa Research Lab]]  The meeting will take place at the [[http://​www.research.ibm.com/​haifa/​haifa_facility.shtml|Haifa Research Lab]] 
 +==== Hotels ====
 +see the [[http://​www.research.ibm.com/​haifa/​conferences/​hvc2012/​|HVC]] page: http://​www.research.ibm.com/​haifa/​conferences/​hvc2012/​info.shtml
 +==== Social Events (HVC) ====
 +**Student'​s night out!**
 +Time: Nov. 5, 19:00
 +Place: "The Camel" on the Haifa beach
 +Join us for a students'​ evening out the night before the conference at the historic Camel Restaurant and Cafe on one of Haifa'​s most picturesque beaches. We'll enjoy an evening of beer and refreshments as we spend time at the Camel, one of Haifa'​s most unique eateries, located on Dado Beach at the southern tip of Haifa.
 +see http://​www.research.ibm.com/​haifa/​conferences/​hvc2012/​social.shtml
 +==== Suggested Dinner Locations ====
 +seafood: ​
 +local beer: 
 ===== Registration ===== ===== Registration =====
 To register please send email with your name and affiliation to [[noafr@cs.technion.ac.il|noafr@cs.technion.ac.il]] To register please send email with your name and affiliation to [[noafr@cs.technion.ac.il|noafr@cs.technion.ac.il]]
 +**Please also register to [[http://​www.research.ibm.com/​haifa/​conferences/​hvc2012/​registration.shtml|HVC]]. If you are only attending the COST meeting - register for the tutorials day only.
 +We need the HVC registration to arrange parking, lunches, and wifi connections.** ​
-===== Invited Talks (under construction) ===== 
-Quantitative Abstraction Refinement / Pavol Cerny 
-PINCETTE project: validation of changes and upgrades in large software systems - unique challenges and suggested solutions / Hana Chockler+===== Schedule =====
-===== Talks (under construction=====+^       ^ Title       ^ Speaker ​         ^ 
 +| 10:00-10:45 | {{:​haifa12-pvaol.ppt|Quantitative Abstraction Refinement}}| Pavol Cerny (invited talk
 +| 10:45-11:30 | {{:​haifa12-hana.ppt|PINCETTE project: validation of changes and upgrades in large software systems}} | Hana Chockler (invited talk) | 
 +| 11:30-11:45 | short break || 
 +| 11:45-12:10 | Finite-State and Pushdown Games with Multi-dimensional Mean-Payoff Objectives | Yaron Velner | 
 +| 12:10-12:35 | Privacy for Linked Data | Silvia Ghilezan |  
 +| 12:35-14:00 | Lunch Break || 
 +| 14:00-14:25 | {{:​haifa12-simone.pdf|Interpolant Strength in Model Checking}} | Simone Rollini | 
 +| 14:25-14:50 | {{:​haifa12-asanchez.pdf|Assisted Verification of Invariance for Parametrized Systems}} | Alejandro Sánchez | 
 +| 14:50-15:15 | {{:​haifa12-maria.pdf|Interpolation for resolution and superposition}} | Maria Paola Bonacina | 
 +| 15:15-15:30 | short break || 
 +| 15:30-15:55 | {{:​haifa12-philippe.pdf|Reductions for Synthesis Procedures}} | Philippe Suter | 
 +| 15:55-16:20 | {{:​haifa12-pvale.pdf|Logico-Numerical Max-Strategy Iteration}} | Pavle Subotic |  
 +| 16:20-16:45 | {{:​haifa12-markus.pdf|Information flow analysis and temporal logics}} | Markus Rabe ||  
 +| 16:45-17:00 | short break || 
 +| 17:00-18:00 | Management Committee Meeting ||
-Finite-State and Pushdown Games with Multi-dimensional Mean-Payoff Objectives / Yaron Velner+===== Invited Talks  =====
-Privacy for Linked Data / Silvia Ghilezan+**Pavol Cerny**: Quantitative Abstraction Refinement by 
 +**Hana Chockler**: PINCETTE project: validation of changes and upgrades in large software systems - unique challenges and suggested solutions ​
-===== Full Abstracts =====+===== Talk Abstracts =====
 **Quantitative Abstraction Refinement** **Quantitative Abstraction Refinement**
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 +**Interpolant Strength in Model Checking**
 +//Simone Rollini//
 +Craig interpolation is a well known method of abstraction successfully used in both hardware and software model checking. ​ The logical strength of interpolants can affect the quality of approximations and consequently the performance of the model checkers. Recently, it was observed that for the same resolution proof a complete lattice of interpolants ordered by strength can be derived.
 +Most state-of-the-art model checking techniques based on interpolation subject the interpolants
 +to constraints that ensure efficient verification as, for example, in transition relation approximation for bounded model checking, counterexample-guided abstraction refinement and function summarization for software update checking. However, in general, these verification-specific constraints are not satisfied by all possible interpolants.
 +We analyze the restrictions within the lattice of interpolants under which the required constraints are satisfied. ​ This enables investigation of the effect of the strength of interpolants on the particular techniques, while preserving their soundness.
 +(Joint work with Ondrej Sery and Natasha Sharygina)
 +**Assisted Verification of Invariance for Parametrized Systems**
 +//Alejandro Sánchez//
 +We study the verification of safety properties over symmetric
 +parametrized systems. These systems consist on an arbitrary and
 +unbounded number of threads running the same program. In this
 +scenario, following standard deductive techniques leads to the need of
 +verifying an unbounded collection of verification conditions which
 +grows with the number of threads involved in the system. To handle
 +this problem, we present a technique based on parametrized invariance
 +rules to reduce the verification of finite and infinite state
 +parametrized programs to the analysis of only a finite number of
 +verification conditions. In our approach, all necessary VCs are
 +automatically generated from the program and its specification,​
 +independently of the number of threads involved in the system.
 +In this talk, we present the latest advances in our research as well
 +as some running examples including a ticket-based mutual exclusion
 +algorithm and a concurrent single-linked list implementation. Both
 +examples are verified using Leap. Leap is a tool under development at
 +the IMDEA Software Institute which implements the parametrized
 +invariance rules. Our tool is able to automatically generate all
 +necessary VCs starting from the program and the properties
 +specifications. Leap also implements decision procedures to
 +automatically verify VCs, and is also extended to interactively assist
 +the user in the verification process. Currently, the decision
 +procedures allow to programs that manipulate numbers, sets, list
 +layouts and their combinations,​ built on top of state-of-the-art SMT
 +(joint work with César Sánchez)
 +**Interpolation for resolution and superposition**
 +//Maria Paola Bonacina//
 +Given two inconsistent formulae, a (reverse) interpolant is a
 +formula implied by one, inconsistent with the other and only
 +containing symbols they share. Interpolants are used in
 +verification to compute over-approximations of images, refine
 +abstractions,​ or generate invariants. We consider interpolation
 +of refutations generated by inference systems for first-order
 +logic with equality, with resolution and superposition. These
 +inference systems are at the heart of state-of-the-art theorem
 +provers, may yield decision procedures, and can be integrated
 +in SMT-solvers. We present a two-stage approach that computes
 +provisional interpolants,​ which may contain non-shared symbols,
 +and applies lifting to replace them with quantified variables.
 +The resulting interpolation system is complete, meaning that
 +it extracts an interpolant from any refutation.
 +(Joint work with Moa Johansson)
 +**Reductions for Synthesis Procedures**
 +//Philippe Suter//
 +A synthesis procedure acts as a compiler for declarative
 +specifications. It accepts a formula describing a relation between
 +inputs and outputs, and generates a function implementing this relation.
 +This paper presents synthesis procedures for data structures. Our
 +procedures are reductions that lift a synthesis procedure for the
 +elements into synthesis procedures for containers storing these
 +elements. We introduce a framework to describe synthesis procedures as
 +systematic applications of inference rules. We show that, by
 +interpreting both synthesis problems and programs as relations, we can
 +derive and modularly prove transformation rules that are widely
 +applicable, thus simplifying both the presentation and the correctness
 +**Logico-Numerical Max-Strategy Iteration**
 +//Pavle Subotic//
 +Strategy iteration methods are used for solving fixed point equations.
 +It has been shown that they improve precision in static analysis based
 +on abstract interpretation
 +and template polyhedra. However, they are limited to numerical
 +programs. In this talk a method for applying max-strategy iteration to
 +logico-numerical programs is presented. This method computes the least
 +fixed point w.r.t. the abstract domain; in particular, it does not
 +resort to widening.
 +(Joint work with Peter Schrammel, INRIA Grenoble)
 +**Information flow analysis and temporal logics**
 +//Markus Rabe//
 +Most analysis methods for information flow properties, such as noninterference,​ do not consider temporal restrictions. In practice, however, such properties rarely occur statically, but have to consider constraints such as when and under which conditions a variable has to be kept secret. I will present recent results on how to integrate information flow properties into temporal logics by introducing a new modal operator. ​
 +Finally, I will sketch upcoming work on integrating information flow properties in game logics such as ATL*.