Table of Contents

Synthesis, Verification, and Analysis of Rich Models (SVARM) 2010

Registration is through FLoC Registation

Synthesis, Verification, and Analysis of Rich Models (SVARM) will take place July 20-21 in Edinburgh, UK as part of FLoC 2010. The event is affiliated with two FLoC conferences:

The event will be simultaneously a meeting for all work groups of the Rich Model Toolkit Initiative (

The event explores directions and techniques for making automated reasoning (including analysis and synthesis) applicable to a wider range of problems, as well as making them easier to use by researchers, software developers, hardware designers, and information system users and developers.

Invited Talks:

Abstract submission is now closed (Call for Abstracts in Text Format)

Scope of the Event

Researchers have recently developed a number of useful tools for automated analysis of particular classes of models of computer systems:

Despite these successes, today’s automated analysis methods are not widespread in engineering practice. Among the factors contributing to this state of affairs are the limitations of the tools themselves: insufficient automation, specialized input formats, and no support for high-level synthesis. Another factor is the lack of standards of quality that would easy tool interoperability and give formally certified computer system a competitive advantage over systems without formal assurance guarantees.

Example topics of interest

Program Committee

Program and Conference Chairs

Local organization: Paul Jackson

Description of the COST Action IC0901

Important dates:

The focus of the event is on presentations and discussions; there will be neither electronic nor paper proceedings before the event.