EPFL Fall 2011: Logic and Probability

Doctoral course by Val Tannen

Lecture notes 1 (pdf)

Homework 1 (pdf)

Lecture notes 2 (pdf)

Lecture notes 3 (pdf)

Lecture notes 4 (pdf)

Homework 2 (pdf)

Lecture notes 5 (revised) (pdf)

Lecture notes 6 (pdf)

Lecture notes 7 (pdf)

Course Materials

“Models for Incomplete and Probabilistic Information” Green and Tannen (pdf)

Old lecture notes on computability (pdf)

“On the Unusual Effectiveness of Logic in Computer Science” Halpern, Harper, Immerman, Kolaitis, Vardi, and Vianu“ (pdf)


Some useful books

I will rely on basic results about computability and complexity that are (usually) covered in a Computer Science undergraduate curriculum. If you need to freshen up on these topics, I can recommend:

There many textbooks on logic but let me recommend my favorites:

The complete classification of the prefix fragments of FOL from the point of view of the decidability of satisfiability is in:

The story of how mathematical logic gave birth to computer science is told best in:

There are many, many textbooks that offer an introduction to probabilities I prefer those that do a good job on discrete probability spaces. Some examples:

For 0-1 laws, I will consult

For the logic of independence in Bayesian and Markov networks I will follow selected sections from: